December 4, 2008

Stopping time

    This is a funny picture I saw, but it made me think. If you could stop time would you? Life has it’s own pace, and plan right? So if you had the ability to mess with it for whatever reason would you? I personally think it is kind of nice to not have the stop time, reverse time, backspace option of life. Sure we could correct some mistakes, but we wouldn’t learn from them.   Scarlet   ABDL Phonesex
November 27, 2008

diapered and on the go

With so many people traveling I wonder if diaper lovers are wearing on the roads? It would sure make the trips faster, and for traffic, oh my goodness what a lifesaver. So who is wearing on the road this weekend everyone? Curious mommies want to know. I see so many times that being a diaper lover could be such an advantage, traveling and camping are my two big ones. Mommy Scarlet Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
July 24, 2008

Mr. Crinkle

     I was listening to a radio station online, and heard a song I have not heard in years. Mr.Krinkle by Primus. I kind of giggled because I sometimes call abie Mr. or Miss. Crinkle Pants. SO now I think of diapers with the word crinkle, so the lyrics made me laugh.  Where else have you noticed this happen to you? Movie titles or something someone says that makes your mind go directly to diapers?   Scarlet
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