May 26, 2012

ABDL Diaper Change Phone Sex

Which ABDL Girl needs a Diaper Change? I DO!  Let’s face it, it’s no fun to change your diaper all by your lonesome all the time is it? Sometimes I even call one of the Fetish Mommies here to do it for me.  They laugh when I do and say things like, “Oh Cali!” lol I can’t help it, now I know they can’t do it for me in real life, but just having a soothing voice over the phone leading me through one, or them giving me directions and going into detail of how the wipes feel, and how the powder smells is nice. I don’t mind spending the money to do it either. And NO I do not get a discount because I work with them *pout*.   But once in awhile, I need someone else to do it.  A loving Daddy to call me and take care of me. I am after all just a lil ABDL baby girl, and I need guidance! Darn it!  Nothing takes the place of a Daddy’s hands on my tiny hiney as he cleans me up, then powers me, and puts a fresh from the dryer cloth diaper on, and then my pretty frilly panties over top!   If you would like to give me a Diaper Change, then please call me. It’s really warm out today, and I have been sorta naughty in my diapie, and I definitely need a change. *giggle* Your #1 Diaper Girl, Cali Smoohies! 888.420.2010  
February 4, 2011

Packers vs Steelers

So who will you be rooting for? Which team are you on? I say the Packers should get Packing *giggles* Im not really all that into the games I am more concerned with sitting and wiggling on Daddy’s lap and all the laps of all his friends that will be over tomorrow night! The house will be full of men! My big brother and his friends too! While my little brother hides in his room sniffing my panties and jerking off in his diaper That I will tease him for another day. Mom will be gone so I will be the only little girl in the house & boy am I excited! I will be pleasing and teasing the Big Boys, Being passed from lap to lap, I’ll be Dressed in my shortest cheer skirt! Join me, for the Gangs all Here! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
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