Chubby Cheeks
May 19, 2010
Sweet Nothings
May 21, 2010
Chubby Cheeks
May 19, 2010
Sweet Nothings
May 21, 2010


You’re in trouble now. There was no way for you to know, but I come from a long line of witches. Yep, the wicked kind of witch. We don’t have green faces and crooked noses at all do we? A lot of the other stuff is true though. We can cast spells on people to make them do what we want. You have around thirty minutes before that tea kicks in and you’ll begin to shrink and turn into a tiny helpless aby. When that happens you’ll want your witchy Mommy close by to look after you. The world can be a scary place for a little baby all alone. I have everything we’ll need waiting in the other room.


Mommy Lexus

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